Tag Archive for themovieboards.net

Moves to Secure Glenfern Sanctuary

The Glenfern sanctuary, in Port Fitzroy in the north of the island of New Zealand, which was founded by the late sailing champion Tony Bouzaid in 1992 and is for sale. New Zealand’s Conservation Minister Maggie Barry has announced the Government will contribute towards a joint bid to buy Glenfern Sanctuary for the nation. Minister…

Kid Canabis

Director John Stockwell Starring Jonathan Daniel Brown, Kenny Wormald, Aaron Yoo Rated MA Score 2/6 An eighteen year old high school dropout and his twenty-seven year old friend start trafficking marijuana across the border of Canada in order to make money and their lives are changed forever. For the record this movie is based on…


Director Kenneth Branagh Staring Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden Rated G Score 4/6 A girl named Ella (Cinderella) has the purest heart living in a cruel world filled with evil stepsisters and an evil stepmother out to ruin Ella’s life. Ella comes one with her pure heart when she meets the prince and dances…

NZ Minister for Customs and Minister for Disability traveling to OZ to foster trans-Tasman cooperation

Customs Minister and Minister for Disability Issues Nicky Wagner will be traveling to Australia to visit her counterparts and foster trans-Tasman cooperation across both portfolios. “New Zealand Customs and the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service enjoy a strong relationship and work collaboratively to ensure effective border management in both countries,” Ms Wagner commented “Meeting…

Hisense Announces Partnership with Red Bull Racing

Hisense electronics a multi-year partnership with Infiniti Red Bull Racing, through this partnership Hisense is looking to become the third most popular global TV brand, one place higher than last year. “Infiniti Red Bull Racing is one of the most successful and most talked about teams in a sport renowned for technology, teamwork and competitiveness,”…

ABC Launches AustraliaPlus

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) becomes the first mainstream western media organization to launch a Chinese registered web portal. Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has congratulated the ABC on its achievement, saying “the potential for Australia’s relationship with China to grow and prosper has never been greater and the launch tonight is a testament to…

Canberra and Region Heritage Festival kicks off

The Canberra and Region Heritage Festival kicks off this weekend with lots to suit all ages and interests, including events in keeping with this year’s Festival theme Conflict and Compassion, Minister for Planning Mick Gentleman said today. “Take some time with family and friends to have some fun and adventure — and discover what’s so…

Hector and the search for happiness

Director Peter Chelsom Starring Simon Pegg, Rosamund Pike, Tracy Ann Oberman Rated M Score 2.5/6 A psychiatrist searches the globe to find the secret of happiness. I have vague memories of seeing something about this one at the friendly neighborhood Cinema, though I don’t recall seeing any session times or if it even had a…